Choose a scripture reading each day to read during the next few weeks.
The Annunciation: Luke 1:26-38 Mary shows us how we too can respond to God with faithfulness, trust and acceptance of God’s plan. Jesus, help us to say yes to you. The Visitation: Luke 1:39-45 Even though Mary herself was unsure about her future, and no doubt scared, she was able to support her cousin Elizabeth, and celebrate her good news - And Elizabeth was there to support Mary. Jesus, help us to be loving and generous like your mother. The Journey to Bethlehem Luke 2:1-5 Mary and Joseph did not have an easy life but their relationship was loving and supportive, that was built on a trust in God. Jesus, help us to support each other as a family even when things are tough. |
Birth of Jesus: Luke 2:6-20 Matt 2:1-12
The loving care of a mother is an incredibly wonderful gift.
Jesus, thank you for coming to live among us, show us how to care for creation and each other.
Finding Jesus in the Temple: Luke 2:41-52
Sometimes the path that God wants us to follow may lead to separation from the ones we love, but the distance does not decrease the love. Jesus, may I always know how much I am loved. Wedding Feast at Cana: John 2:1-12 Mary was there and encouraged Jesus to begin his public service for others. Jesus, help us to serve and encourage others. Crucifixion John 19:25-27 Mary was a strong and courageous woman who stood by her Son’s side till the very end. Jesus, through times of joy and times of sadness, help us always to stand by those whom we love. Pentecost: Acts 2:1-4 Mary again says yes to God’s call. Just as she welcomed Jesus into the world, so she was there when the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost. Jesus, may we always say yes to God's call and share God's love with the world. This we ask in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. |
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