We constantly need to be re-thinking, growing our ideas of who God is - because God is always more than our understanding. For example, thinking of the Father and Holy Spirit as "male" can actually take us away from really exploring the mystery that is the Trinity. God the Creator is referred to in many different ways in the bible - and men and women are described as both being made in the image of God.
It can help to think that whatever our idea of God is the only thing that we know for sure is that our image is wrong - it's not good enough.
God is beyond our understanding, always more, yet loves us to the core of our being and calls us closer each day. It's a journey and a mystery - and we need to participate in this journey of coming to know God - to be aware that there is a danger in deciding we've fully arrived and that the labels, pronouns and images we use actually sum up who God is.
God is beyond our understanding, always more, yet loves us to the core of our being and calls us closer each day. It's a journey and a mystery - and we need to participate in this journey of coming to know God - to be aware that there is a danger in deciding we've fully arrived and that the labels, pronouns and images we use actually sum up who God is.
Here is a little insight into each of the three persons of the Trinity.
God - The Holy Spirit - Wairua Tapu
When we allow the gifts of the Spirit to work within us, our lives become more ‘full’
- more like what God intended for us.
The results of accepting these gifts into our lives is that we bear ‘fruits’ of the spirit.
We live as people of God.
This tree illustrates that if we feed ourselves with the gifts of the Spirit the Fruits are seen in our behaviour thoughts and actions.
By using the gifts of the Holy Spirit we are able to live lives
that show the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit ENABLES us go to a deeper place on our journey.
The Spirit creates, inspires, graces, leads, reveals, empowers, liberates, renews and completes.
All of these things help us to become closer and more aware of God.
that show the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit ENABLES us go to a deeper place on our journey.
The Spirit creates, inspires, graces, leads, reveals, empowers, liberates, renews and completes.
All of these things help us to become closer and more aware of God.
The Spirit is the life force of God, who reveals to us who Jesus is.
Where the Spirit is, there is Jesus and the Creator.
GOD - The Son - Hehu Karaiti
Jesus is fully human and fully divine.
Christ shows us God, and the Father and the Son send the Holy Spirit
Christ shows us God, and the Father and the Son send the Holy Spirit
Jesus came to show us how to live,
how to treat each other and how to be community.
We meet God in Jesus and the invisible God becomes visible.
how to treat each other and how to be community.
We meet God in Jesus and the invisible God becomes visible.
Through Jesus, God is grounded in human experience.
God is not other worldly or extra-terrestrial
God is earthed.
Where Jesus is, there is the Holy Spirit and God.
GOD - The Father - Abba - Matua
We refer to God the Father because as Christians who follow Christ, he taught us to engage with God as "Dad" - Abba.
In the parable of the prodigal son he says' 'He who has seen me has seen the Father' John 14:19 As humans we understand that mother and father represent creators of life, they hold a position of mana they are supportive, merciful and protective. Remember we are created in God's image, we are God's children so we can say 'God is our Father/Mother'. (The Old Testament even refers to God as a mother hen.) |