FACT: Catholic means 'universal'.
As Catholics we believe we are all created in the image of God.
Jesus' life models for us how to live as Catholics.
The way Jesus lived his life is the basis for Catholic Social Teaching (principles of Justice and Peace).
The heart of these is human dignity.
Watch the Catholic Social Teaching video and discuss these questions:
- Which picture do you think a Catholic aid agency would use? (Put yourself in the picture, how do you think you would like to be perceived?) - Why? Dignity is something that requires us to view ourselves and others how God sees us. It gives each one of us an understanding of just how valuable and necessary we are to the plan God has for the world. |
Discuss: Are there times you have not felt valued? When people make fun of you, when you try your hardest and think it's not good enough, when you look in the mirror? Are there times you have not made others feel valued? When you tease someone because other people are, when you try and prove you are right when you know it's going to be hurtful, when you use words or actions to exclude others? Are there times when you have helped others, or yourself, to feel valued? When you have helped someone out, when you have stood up for someone, when you have not put yourself down? |
God loves you so much and wants the very best for you.
God wants you to feel valued and loved
and God wants you to love and value others.
God wants you to feel valued and loved
and God wants you to love and value others.