Below are a few different prayer options:
Try one or two of them to help you grow your relationship with Jesus.
Try one or two of them to help you grow your relationship with Jesus.
Imaginative Contemplation:
Photo by Aaron Burdenon Unsplash
Imaginative contemplation prayer is a way of meeting Christ in the Gospel.
The aim is to have a personal encounter with Jesus. So take some time to work through this and don't rush it. |
Photo by Sarah Noltneron Unsplash
Click here to work through a contemplation
Centring Prayer:
- Sit comfortably with your eyes closed, relax, and quiet yourself.
- Silently say the word 'Jesus' - you can repeat the word over to yourself if it helps you to focus
- If your thoughts drift just return to the word 'Jesus' - again repeating it if you need to focus yourself
- Allow God to speak to you in your stillness and in the quiet.
- Stay with this for 5 minutes
- At the end of the prayer period, remain in silence with eyes closed for a couple of minutes.
Photo by Priscilla Du Preezon Unsplash
Random acts of Love:
1 John 4:19
We love because he first loved us.
Write a list of 10 things that God has done for you that show love....
Write all the things others have done for you within the past week that show they love you....
Write a list of things that you can do for others during this next week that show you love them....
Choose one of these things and do it!
Prayer with Music:
Choose one of these songs below and listen to it a few times.
You may like to listen with your eyes close and just let your thoughts go deeper into the song.
You may like to grab some paints or crayons and just paint whatever comes as you listen to the music.
You may like to listen with your eyes close and just let your thoughts go deeper into the song.
You may like to grab some paints or crayons and just paint whatever comes as you listen to the music.
These two songs are great to get you moving!
This might be a way that you can connect with Jesus too!!
Give it a go.
This might be a way that you can connect with Jesus too!!
Give it a go.