Preparing for Christmas is an exciting time and during these weeks the Church helps to prepare us, by focusing on the themes of waiting and hope for the coming of Jesus.
The First Sunday has readings that help us prepare for the Second Coming of Jesus in the future. John the Baptist walks us through the Second and Third Sundays as we hear readings about his role to 'prepare the way of the Lord'. The Fourth Sunday of Advent tells us the story of the birth of Jesus, and some of the events that follow. |
Here is a video to explain the symbolism of the advent wreath.
Here is a video to explain the idea of a Jesse tree.
Below is a prayer reflection that you may like to do with your family during advent.
Come, Lord Jesus.
Begin by listening to this song that anticipates the saving love of Jesus coming into this world.
As we wait, and we prepare to celebrate Christ’s coming in history, in our present lives, and at the end of this time. May God be with us as we celebrate the season with joy!
God of Love, Your son, Jesus, is your greatest gift to us. He is a sign of your love and mercy. During the sometimes "crazyness" of the Advent season, help us walk in that love. Help us also to prepare our hearts and our lives for celebrating the moment Jesus became flesh and allowed us to have a personal relationship with him Amen. |
Read together Isaiah 40:3–5
A voice is shouting: Clear a path in the desert for the Lord. Build a straight road there for our God. Fill in the valleys and flatten the mountains and hills. Level the rough and rugged ground. Then the glory of the Lord will appear for all to see. The Lord has promised this! This is the Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. |
John the Baptist had a task to tell everyone about the coming of the Messiah. When people heard this they responded.
How do you think you would have responded?
John the Baptist isn't alive to tell us about Jesus today but there are people like John who tell us about him.
Who are those people in your life?
John the Baptist responded to God's invitation. We are asked to respond to an invitation from God to live like Jesus did.
What are some ways we respond to God’s invitation to live as Jesus did, to show others love and support?
One of the most challenging things for us to do as we try to live like Jesus is to notice God in our lives every day.
Let us pray that Jesus will come more deeply into our lives so that we may be aware of his presence in the ordinary and the everyday.
Below is a prayer which you could say each day of Advent:
Into our everyday lives, we pray . . .
Come, Lord Jesus!
Into our broken world, we pray . . .
Come, Lord Jesus!
Into our preparations, our baking, shopping, wrapping and decorating, we pray . . .
Come, Lord Jesus!
Into our hearts as we see you in those around us, we pray . . .
Come, Lord Jesus!
Into our homes and communities, we pray . . .
Come, Lord Jesus!
[mention some of your own things/places/ideas/people which need Jesus] . . .
Come, Lord Jesus!
Let us pray that Jesus will come more deeply into our lives so that we may be aware of his presence in the ordinary and the everyday.
Below is a prayer which you could say each day of Advent:
Into our everyday lives, we pray . . .
Come, Lord Jesus!
Into our broken world, we pray . . .
Come, Lord Jesus!
Into our preparations, our baking, shopping, wrapping and decorating, we pray . . .
Come, Lord Jesus!
Into our hearts as we see you in those around us, we pray . . .
Come, Lord Jesus!
Into our homes and communities, we pray . . .
Come, Lord Jesus!
[mention some of your own things/places/ideas/people which need Jesus] . . .
Come, Lord Jesus!