This clip introduces us to the idea that we are all entitled to a life lived with dignity.
- Take time to list all the people you have met today.
(Consider people at home, on your way to school, in town, at the shops, at your sports, even people you might find it hard to like...) - Which of those people made the effort to treat you with dignity/respect?
- Which of those people did you treat with dignity/respect?
It is so easy for us to dismiss people we meet in our everyday life, but Jesus calls us to see the real person in front of us.
To treat that person with love, understanding and respect. What a different world it would be if we took this small but very
do-able action and put it into play.
To treat that person with love, understanding and respect. What a different world it would be if we took this small but very
do-able action and put it into play.
God created everything!
Everything that is breathed into life in some way represents God, and in some way connects us all.
Everything that is breathed into life in some way represents God, and in some way connects us all.
This clip introduces us to the idea that we are called to care for Creation.
- Talk about ways in your family that you can show you value and care for the resources and the gift of earth.
(Consider your use if electricity, the way you recycle what you eat, what is wasted, how much unnecessary 'stuff' you have.) - To really want to make a change you have to move the idea of care for the planet from your head to your heart.
- Get your shoes on and go for a walk somewhere awe-inspiring, or get your shoes off and feel the grass, sand or rock under your feet. Take a moment to appreciate the beauty and wonder of this place. What can you be thankful for?
In our busy lives we often make excuses to grab a coffee in a take away cup, a plastic bag for our shopping because it's easier, the individually wrapped packets of crackers because they are convenient or food prepackaged and washed to save time. All of these choices are everyday choices that impact our world and those in it.
Take time to think about those choices, is our need greater than the need of those our choices are effecting? Maybe we need to slow down and not pack as much in so that we can make informed choices that consider others and the future of our world.
Take time to think about those choices, is our need greater than the need of those our choices are effecting? Maybe we need to slow down and not pack as much in so that we can make informed choices that consider others and the future of our world.